Mike Waters
Mike has served as an evangelist with the Baldwin congregation since June of 2006. He was appointed to serve as a deacon in August of 2007. He has preached the gospel in varying capacities for over twenty years.
In addition to his work with the church at Baldwin, Mike is a practicing CPA with an office located in Cullman. He holds an undergraduate degree in Business Administration / Accounting from Auburn University. He also holds a master’s degree in Accounting & Information Systems from Middle Tennessee State University.
Mike enjoys spending time with his wife of twenty years, Paula, and his three children, Micah, Lydia, and Levi. His hobbies include riding his street bike with his wife, riding dirt bikes and ATVs with his children, playing drums, exercising, and reading.
- (256) 339-2115
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Jack Smith
Jack was raised as a military kid and lived in many places til the mid-50’s. When his dad retired from the Army they moved to Cullman, his dad’s home area. Jack graduated from West Point High School, Florida College and the University of Georgia. Jack began preaching in 1964 and has lived and worked mostly across the South. Jack “retired” in 2016 and came back home to Cullman and began assisting in preaching and teaching at Baldwin church of Christ in 2017 where he also serves as one of the shepherds.
Jack loves family and the Lord’s family. He enjoys reading and remodeling houses as well as visiting his kids and grandchildren.
- (713) 838-7521
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Trent Dean
Trent was baptized into Jesus Christ in June of 2011. He grew up around a denominational church body, but did not know the LORD. After meeting his now wife in night school at the University of North Alabama, his desire to serve the LORD faithfully drew him into her family’s devotion to the LORD. After attending Bible classes and Sunday morning worship services at the Baldwin congregation Trent was excited to be around people that studied the Bible seriously. The Christians at Baldwin taught the word of God in a manner that allowed Trent to gain understanding and wisdom from the LORD. Trent put away his former religious practices and began meeting regularly with the Christians at Baldwin. Through the Wednesday night Bible classes, Sunday morning worship services and Bible classes, along with his personal Bible studies He came to know the LORD and understood what he needed to do to obey the gospel of Jesus and become a child of God. After having been baptized into Jesus, Trent continued to devote himself to growing in the grace and knowledge of his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and looking for ways to serve Him and bear fruit for His kingdom. Teaching and eventually preaching became avenues for Trent to do so and he has continued in these works since that time.
Trent and his wife Caley have three boys, Camden, Benjamin, and Jackson. They are an active family that values spending time together and maintaining values and priorities that are in line with serving Jesus Christ as well as consciously resisting the influence of our modern American culture. Trent is a tenth grade English teacher and a cross country / track and field coach at Cullman High School. Caley used to teach English at Cullman Middle School and now focuses on managing the home as well as teaching and training their three boys daily. Camden and Benjamin attend the Primary School in the Cullman City School system and Jackson, 2 years old, stays with Caley.