Robert Peinhardt
Robert grew up in Garden Grove, California. With a carpentry diploma from Wallace State, Robert works in skilled vocations including construction and as a conveyor mechanic. He married his wife Susan and was baptized into Christ in 1983. Robert and his wife Susan have two children; Jessica and Austin, which are both members of the church at Baldwin.
Robert’s words to live by: “Do the best you can with what you have at the moment”.
- (256) 338-8375
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Jack Smith
Jack was raised as a military kid and lived in many places til the mid-50’s. When his dad retired from the Army they moved to Cullman, his dad’s home area. Jack graduated from West Point High School, Florida College and the University of Georgia. Jack began preaching in 1964 and has lived and worked mostly across the South. Jack “retired” in 2016 and came back home to Cullman and began assisting in preaching and teaching at Baldwin church of Christ in 2017 where he also serves as one of the shepherds.
Jack loves family and the Lord’s family. He enjoys reading and remodeling houses as well as visiting his kids and grandchildren.
- (713) 838-7521
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Franchot South
Franchot, a graduate of Athens College, with a Master’s Degree in History from UAB, works as an American History instructor at West Point High School and has been there for 36 years. His wife, Kay, is also an educator. They have attended Baldwin Church for approximately 20 years. They have two children, Scott and Jenny, both of whom are married and are members of the Church. They also have two grandchildren, Sayde and Ian
- (256) 739-2598
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Dan Willingham
Dan, a graduate of Auburn University, with a law degree from J.D. Cumberland School of Law (Samford University), works as an attorney in Cullman. He is a partner in Fuller and Willingham, LLC and is also licensed before the Alabama Supreme Court and the U.S. District Court.
Dan is very active in the community, where he serves as counsel for various towns and government entities in the county. He is also very active in the community, serving in leadership roles for the Kiwanis club, the Bethsadia Volunteer Fire Department, American Red Cross, Cullman County Bar Association, and others.
Dan and his wife Elaine have three children. He has been a Christian for 42 years and has been a member of the Baldwin church since its inception.
- (256) 339-7652
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