Children's Classes: Our Spiritual Heritage
We introduce the children to the concept that God created Adam and Eve and all the families of the earth because He desired a great family to love and to love Him in return. The children see God’s plan to build His family unfold from Genesis to Revelation. They learn several hundred stories that teach them about the kind of people God wants His family to be. The memorable characters and events from the Bible illustrate powerful moral lessons and engrain them in these young minds. They hear how the coming of Jesus was the fulfillment of God’s plan and the demonstration of God’s desire for adopting many sons and daughters. They discover that the Bible story is OUR story, God’s plan for us and for our family to be part of His family, and for His book to be OUR spiritual heritage, the story of our roots and destiny.
The children will learn...
- The difference between the Old and New Testaments, yet how they are connected.
- The major periods of Bible history: creation, patriarchal age, exodus, conquest of Canaan, Judges period, Kingdom era, the captivity, the return from captivity, time between the testaments, life of Jesus, and the story of the early church.
- The names and sequence of every Bible book as well as each book’s main events, teachings, characters, and historical period.
- The theme of the Bible, God’s plan to save man from sin, and trace its progress through every age from creation to the book of Revelation.
- Several hundred Bible stories, each with important moral lessons made relevant and practical for their young lives and choices.
- About God: who He is, what He has said and done, and what He desires for us.
- About Jesus: His life, His miracles, His teachings, His death and resurrection, and the story of His church in the first century.
- To pray and sing to God.
- The purpose and value of worship.
- Over time, the habit of reading, understanding, teaching, and applying the Bible on their own.
- All of these lessons are training and helping to form their values, priorities, character, and conscience in a way that will help them become fruit-bearing disciples of Jesus and serve God faithfully as they grow older in age and more mature in the faith.
Our Ongoing Mission
Our aim is to continue improving our Bible class curriculum. We don’t want to be satisfied or complacent and therefore it is a continual work in progress. We have a team of ladies who have worked weekly for two years developing the curriculum (2/23/2023). Of course, the Bible, which is the core of our curriculum needs no improvement, but we are continually seeking ways to improve our methods for teaching it effectively. We believe the greatest of all stories deserves our best effort at providing the best possible delivery.
Baldwin church of Christ is comprised of families who believe that Bible learning builds better homes, equips children and adults for making better life choices, and establishes a meaningful relationship with God and with others who share a serious devotion to Him. Come visit our Bible classes. We have classes for all ages. We meet for class on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM and Wednesdays at 7:00 PM.
Adult Bible Classes
First Quarter of 2025: January, February, March
Adult – Auditorium: Trent Dean will be continuing to teach the book of Acts. The Acts of the Apostles.
Adult – Mini-Auditorium: Seth Pickle will be teaching through a workbook titled: “Jesus in the Old Testament”.
Adult – Auditorium: Mike Waters will be teaching the gospel according to John.